What is “My Atoms”?

Our bodies are made of atoms, and similarly, there are many atomic thoughts that make up our minds. “My Atoms” is a tool, to help you capture every tiny thought, stream your knowledge, build your knowledge capital.


Atom is a piece of knowledge or idea, it can come from books, web pages, or from your brain.

When you read book and highlight a sentence, that is an atom.

When an inspiring idea fleeting on your brain, and you write it down, that is an atom.


We learn from books and web pages, whenever you get an insight from a book or a web page. that book or web page is a source.


We use many different tools for our knowledge life.

For example, using Kindle for reading books, using Browser to read web pages. use Twitter to read from other people’s thoughts.

My Atoms can sync all those atoms into one place. Each of those path is a stream.

When you knowledge start to stream, you truly own it.